Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Well, well, well...

So, here we are again. Same blog, bit of a shake up. As a new years resolution I have tried to write more (including on this blog), although considering as this is the first post it is clearly going well. 2015 will be the year of the novel. I have several pages and word documents with half mashed scrawling and ideas, I only need to put them into some sort of coherent order and make sense of them and there will be some sort of story in there somewhere.

Inspiration and time are against me so far, with just moving house and having a lot to sort through, I am lacking in both recently, but hopefully all will settle a bit and I can get back on track with the novel. I have an idea of where the story will go, and a multitude of characters and settings, so I am using those as a starting point in kicking off once more with the writing.

Here we go then...

Let's see where I end up.

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